2020 Summer Fellowship Labs

Our Collaborative Research Fellowship gives outstanding doctoral students the opportunity to work on problem-focused research with existing impact labs across the university. Fellows benefit from hands-on work in the labs and weekly training and mentoring with our team, guest speakers, and other fellows.

In 2020, fellows worked with the following research labs:


  • Computational Policy Lab: The Stanford Computational Policy Lab uses technology to tackle pressing issues in criminal justice, education, voting rights, and beyond. Leveraging advances in data science, lab members study the impact of policy choices at unprecedented scales, and build algorithmic tools to guide high-stakes decisions. By bringing a computational perspective to public policy, they aim to improve the lives of millions of people — especially those affected by inefficient and unfair systems and practices.
  • Democracy and Polarization Lab (DPL)The Democracy and Polarization Lab studies modern-day challenges to democratic governance, diagnosing problems and testing potential solutions. How can we reduce polarization, improve the information environment, maintain the integrity of the electoral process, and foster democratic accountability?
  • Immigration Policy Lab (IPL): The Immigration Policy Lab evaluates and designs policies surrounding the integration of immigrants and refugees worldwide. By translating new evidence into creative solutions, their work can improve immigrants' lives and strengthen their host communities. 
  • John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their CommunitiesThe Gardner Center focuses on questions our community partners raise about issues that matter to youth. Their interdisciplinary research team includes expertise in design and methods, schools and school districts, youth development, community engagement, and education policy. The center uses  a collaborative approach to research in which they work alongside community partners. Practitioners and policymakers can then use findings from this research to effect change.
  • The Polarization and Social Change LabThe Polarization and Social Change Lab studies forces that unite and divide Americans. Polarization of elites and the mass public stands in the way of effective solutions to virtually all societal problems. Our research is intended to contribute to scientific understanding of these dynamics and produce practical knowledge to reduce the negative effects of political polarization.
  • Poverty, Violence and Governance Lab (POVGOV): The Poverty, Violence and Governance Lab's research aims to provide solutions to lawlessness and violence. The lab evaluates programs and policies designed to contain violence, provide security to excluded communities, enhance the transparency and democratic accountability of law enforcement and criminal justice systems, and constrain human right abuses.  
  • Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab)Stanford’s RegLab builds the evidence base and technology for effective governance. They pilot, build, and test solutions for compliance, mass adjudication, policy making, and government services
  • Stanford SPARQ: Stanford SPARQ is a “do tank” that partners with industry leaders and changemakers to reduce societal disparities and bridge social divides using insights from behavioral science. They work in criminal justice, economic mobility, education, and health.
  • The VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University: The VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University generates foundational research to advance women's leadership by diagnosing barriers, developing and evaluating interventions to get beyond barriers, and disseminates research-based solutions by bridging the gap between research and practice.